This passed year wasn’t all that eventful in sense of me discovering new music. Unless half a month ago. Yes, my wishes were granted (somewhat) and now I have these pretty albums of 六弦アリス:
- ファンタジア
- エンジェルハイロウ
- ファンタジア ~2nd Sign~ ルナティック・ラヴ
- Alice in the Necrosis -GRAND EDITION-
- 紅蓮の少女 ~その名を呼ぶは、死神なり~
- 緋のローレライ Code;Я
- 緋のローレライ code;D
- 少女幻想奇譚 <— this is my first album and I still think it’s the best one
- Omen of Seven
Plus, maybe in a few weeks I’ll get 新興宗教 万華教.
Sadly, the only viable option to get their albums (only the recent ones) is to go to the Comiket. I am so wishing they’ll start to release their works through digital distribution markets or at least through a seller that ships internationally (look at BitBlot/Infiniteammo and their Aquaria: Original Soundtrack on Etsy or at BigCartel).
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