Автор: 13xforever
More Music from Last Year
Another year, another music library update!First, a couple of things that happened since my last post. For one, another Game Music Bundle happened (which was underwhelming). And then iTunes Store expanded to Music and Films in a few countries, including Russia. And I am still amazed how Apple manage to make one thing right and…
Spoils of Past Six Months
Today, on this hot sultry day, I have a couple of hours to share my thoughts on bunch of music I got in last half a year. Most of it was from wonderful Game Music Bundle, but I also got some other interesting stuff. So, let’s start with it.And as alway…
Look what I’ve got today!
Yep, that’s newest double album of 六弦アリス: 迷イノ森、夢十夜。 -人トシテ- and 迷イノ森、夢十夜。 -凛トシテ- (and 夢想演舞 妖之理, but that one isn’t as exciting right now).Less than 2 weeks after C81!
緋の境界と二つの夜 -Prologue A and B-
So, I deducted there’s a lot of interest in these two new singles by 六弦アリス:緋の境界と二つの夜 -Prologue A-緋の境界と二つの夜 -Prologue B-People are asking where I got them. Well, I imported them through flutterscape and rece…